Craft Cozy Designs: Hello there!
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Welcome to Craft cozy designs!

My name is Vivian and I simply love crochet!

I learned how to crochet decades ago when I was very young. I learned it from my mom in a time when Youtube tutorials and blogs were a far away idea. 

But I was always looking for ways of making different things. I loved being able to gift everyone I knew with some crochet surprising item.

I decided to create this blog to share my knowledge and passion for this crafting technique that has helped me so much in my life, dealing with difficult times. 

Here you are going to find a lot of free patterns and step by step on how to crochesomet  different stitches.

Fall and winter projects are my favorites. I love how to projects, gifts on a budget, father's day gifts ideas, 4th of July decorations, St Patrick day.

I hope you stick around and we can have a lot of fun together. 



Craft Cozy Designs